Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Power Shift-Part 1

So I'm cruising through my daily distraction, the BBC News website and come across this particular article:

Click me for article!

Now, I'm not saying that I agree with the comments of Michael Buerk but it surely stirs up some shiznit.

The question for me, isn't whether gender equality is the way forward. That is full well obvious. I actually don't believe men will achieve their own full potential until there is full equality between men and women.

The question for me is, how is this achieved....things are changing anyway, but in what direction?

Do men feminise? Do women aquire more masculine traits? do both happen simultaneously?

What is feminine? Who decides it? The media? society? biology? or religion?

I consider these things masculine:

1.Deep voice
2.Having external genetalia that rhymes with Venus.
3.Possibly broad shoulders
4.Body hair (chest and face).

Now some of these may be debatable to some of you, but for me, the average male, no matter in what household, family, society they were brought up in, these come naturally for a guy.

Now, we come to 'metrosexual.' Let me define this for the uninformed:

"Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. He is the fashion-conscious target audience of men's magazines"

Now, before we continue, let me just state that I am a straight/heterosexual male who doesn't advocate nor condemn metrosexuality. What I don't like is that we have to label it as a phenomonen.

Derek Zoolander.....The original Metro...Blue Steel anyone?

OK. so lots of guys adopting this vibe...
and people tend to be polarised in opinion on whether this is good or bad...

I put this question to the masses who think metrosexuality' is a dilution of the male species.

What makes straight 'meterosexuals' more feminie?

What aspect of it? Because men now care about looking good as much as women do? Because men like to smell hot, and be so fresh and so clean like Andre 3000 (a well dressed fella if i must say so).

Once again, I think the media and ignorance decide these things. In the same way that women holding powerful positions is seen as 'wrong' by some men. Its not a 'feminine' attribute for a woman to be powerful (according to the critics, not me).

People like to look at the animal kingdom for answers.....which I think, personally is dumb... the usual being about how animals are not monogomous.... (the masculine and feminine relationship dynamics will discussed in further detail in my next blog entry)..

but as far as I remember, the female lion is the Most badass(but the male has the deep louder roar), and male cats clean themselves as much as female cats. (this is over simplyfying of course, my degree before Dentistry was Biology with a focus on Animal Behaviour so don't worry, not getting my facts from 7th party sources).....

My point being, that while I don't believe we are animals due to the power of reason and the human soul, physically, there is nothing in the 'animal kingdom' to suggest that metrosexuality is a feminisation of the male species.

On the other hand, women shave their legs.....usually....

Now, while, my preference is for a woman to shave her legs rather than going for Big Foot/Sasquatch styles, I admit and put that down to personal preference and nuture/social conditioning. I don't think a woman with smooth legs is more feminine than a woman that doesn't have them.

Upper lip hair is a little different matter. haha
Not feeling the Magnum P.I. (below) look on the ladies.

Ok. seriously. I've been going on for far too long...I want to see what people have to say about it.......

Part 2 on this subject will be coming up soon....

My groove: A bit annoyed, since my entry got accidentally erased...here is version 1.1

I'm listening to: Natural Mystic-Bob Marley & the Wailers


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ronnie, I would love to comment on your excellent and interesting entry but with my upper lip hair, I feel that I am in no position to do so.


3:58 PM  

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