Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In the beginning was the Word.......

'Pari Passu: adverb.....means 'at an equal pace or rate'

......says my word of the day, (from my Apple OS X Tiger (grrr) widget).... courtesy of dictionary.com.

Personally, I don't forsee that word ever creeping into my daily lexicon. But who knows......

Actually, while we're on the subject of WORDs....I aim to write in this blog, relatively regularly, but....... without using ONE curse word! I hope 'shizzle' doesn't count.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, you have to imagine, when reading this blog, that I am talking to you in a mildly sardonic, English accent. Since I hail from London, England.....where we eat crumpets and cake and only drink tea, say toodle doo and cheerio and are all evil butlers by profession. The stereotype will not be televised. the stereotype is real.

I digress.. (digression is a major theme in the way I converse).

So....... one naturally wonders, what point am i making in this entry?

Do I make a witty or profound statement?

or do I merely just talk shizzle?

Or do I talk shizzle and make it sound profound?

The answer to those questions is a resounding,

Who gives a shizzle? A question in the form of an answer.

Like the 'People Under The Stairs' album of the same name.

And with that, my fellow Gaia brethrens, I bid you farewell. Maybe next time, I'll have something interesting to say rather than use Snoop D oh Double Gizzle on my Hizzle vocab as a poor man's substitute for the word shiiiiiit(ake mushrooms).

phew, that was close. ;)

My groove: Fo'shizzle-lated

I'm drinking: Carte Noire, instant Coffee (yes i know, instant sucks)

I'm listening to: My fav artist: 'Silence,' featuring the gentle hum of my Apple Powerbook fan


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I like this entry, although I'm note sure what the point you were making actually was, it made me laugh nevertheless :-)

Cuz xxx

3:54 PM  

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