Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Soulglo Radio/Podcast is operational

So finally...... I have posted my first podcast/radio show thing. Its a 'beta version'- an experiment in podcasting. The show is called 'Soulglo,' named after the faux-advert in the movie 'Coming To America.' The basic premise of the show is funky flavas, from hip hop to dance to rock to soul to world..."its all there, count it!"

My plan is to make each show slightly different in format, some shows with more talking some with more music......we'll see what else can be done. One thing is for sure, I need a decent microphone. Anyone with any suggestions, drop me a line sil vous plait, under comments.

If this podcast goes well, i might experiment with live streaming.....

We'll see, in the meantime, check out the site at:

SoulGlo Radio!

It comes with an RSS 2.0 feed for all you net freaks in the houuuuse.

Alternatively, to download it directly, right click on the link below and 'save file/target/link' onto your desktop.....



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